Sunday, April 13, 2008

Baby Boomers are returning to college...some never left!

By the year 2020, more than one third of the U.S. population will be over 50. Baby boomers, folks born between 1945 and 1964 are the most educated generation by far...and they aren't ready to stop learning. This is a growing opportunity for those institutions that offer courses and programs that meet their career and life goals as long as they also respect their lifestyle. Boomers are motivated to return to college to begin new careers, enhance their opportunities for advancement, to stay current in their fields, improve job security, and provide a measure of security against obsolescence.

Research conducted by the AARP suggests that 80% of baby boomers are not planning to retire any time soon. The majority plan to work at least part time for either the income or for enjoyment. For schools that seek to increase enrollment either through certificate or academic programs, the baby boomer generation may be a prospective group to go after. The next question is how to reach them...

Baby boomers, like younger prospective students, interested in finding a program that fits their needs and lifestyle will turn to the Internet first to see what choices are out there. To find out where your school is among choices they might run across, conduct your own search using keywords and phrases that reflect the programs baby boomers are likely to be interested in at your institution. See what comes up on your search. Then determine what the competitors have to offer in comparison to what you offer...flexibility, convenience, price, location, etc. If your institution wants to be among the consideration set a baby boomer will choose from, be sure your offerings look like they are for this older crowd. If they pull up your website and see fresh-faced young students and no one that looks like them...they may just go on to the next institution on their consideration list.

Remember that the baby boomer generation does not have to be persuaded that school or more learning is is one of the values they hold high. Your institution must lay out the welcome mat...make them feel that you want their business and will help them achieve their goal. It is well worth the effort...and must be done right...from the welcome message on your website to the services you offer and the courses they want to take.

Still think you can't teach an old dog new tricks? The baby boom generation is out to prove that old saying wrong!

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